Saturday, March 30, 2019

Thing 27

Thing 27:
My current note taking system is paper and pencil.  I keep a running to do list in a note book.  My school/professional things go in the front, and my home/personal items go in the back. The more urgent things get a star and the date they need to be done, while less urgent items get a due date but no other markings.  For PDs and courses I have another notebook designated.  I keep the name and date of the event on the inside cover with what page the notes are on for each, like a table of contents.  It is messy and hard to manage but it works for me.  Now that I am becoming busier and things are piling up it is not convenient.  I wanted to explore a new way to do things and I came across google keep in this section; so I gave it a whirl.

So I started out reading the tutorial about Keep and it was interesting.  All the things that I am doing with my many notebooks and slips of paper I could be keeping on lists in my pocket on my phone.  So that is where I am converting things over to.  I like it because I have access to it on my lap top or my phone.  The lists or notes are easy to organize and easy to find.  The video was also pretty helpful.  Something that struck me when the person said you can add collaborators was the fact that we work in so many committees and teams.  Currently one group I am in is working on a slide presentation and we have meetings that get moved around.  This allows us to share ideas in a easier format and we can adjust times with reminders so you aren’t left out if you don’t check your email.  I have invited a few co-workers in to try keep in order to organize a project that will have a few steps.
I envision that we make a list of what needs to be done and assign jobs to each other.  Using Keep we can go in and add to the list, or mark things that have been completed.  It is easy to convert it into docs for people who are more comfortable with that format as well. 

Lastly for students, I know the video spoke to research and writing papers.  I think I could see it as more of a tool for organizing assignments for class.  It could work as a virtual agenda.  If the students keep homework assignments, projects or upcoming events in notes and share with their parents it would be an easy way to get the info home so kids wouldn’t forget.  I also thought that if parents were interested I could share my notes with them in case their kids did not. 
Very cool tool.

1 comment:

  1. I still grapple with the perfect note-taking, calendar, to-do strategy. I'm staring at a pile of handwritten notes on desk right now! I always feel so productive when I take them all and make a new list. :) Once I retire, I plan to work on this!
