Monday, January 28, 2019

Thing 14

Why and how I Bitmoji in my classroom?
Well this was interesting.  I liked how she included the use for the stickers and all of the ideas.  She said she uses these in 6th grade and it keeps the kids attention and helps them to regain focus.  I cannot think of a time when I would use this as a physical thing with my eighth graders.  And to be honest, the idea of formatting and fitting templates on the printers is way outside of my technology skill set.
A place I could envision adding these Bitmoji would be in video lessons.  My math teacher uses video lessons for the student’s math curriculum.  In the lesson the kids watch the teacher’s notes on the screen and hear her voice.  They follow along and keep their notes in a packet.  Some of the kids get frustrated at some of the topics, this would be a great time for an inspirational Bitmoji.

Bitmoji in Your Classroom
I love the idea of a letter of introduction for the incoming group using Bitmoji.  It seems like a fun light hearted way to introduce yourself to the kids and parents that you will be interacting with. 
The writing prompts idea seems interesting.  I have more questions having not used Bitmoji.  If you could customize the image to fit the writing it seems like it would be a fun idea.  For instance if you were writing about George Washington and you could get the Bitmoji into Washington uniform or something like that.  Another idea would be paragraph set up.  My students struggle with writing stamina.  Maybe a few Bitmoji as prompts, one to say start you intro here, then one to remind them what body paragraph one is about, then paragraph 2and one saying something like here’s the conclusion don’t give up.
The signature posters would work great in my math classes.  The students in these classes are self-paced so they are all in different places.  Keeping track of where the students are has been our biggest challenge.  Using these posters would help us keep track of the kids pacing, and also act as a tool to put onus on the kids.  When they come to ask us what to do next we could direct them back to the assignment sign in poster.
I enjoyed reading this article, but many of the ideas seemed to be geared more towards a younger age group.  I did like these few that I picked out and will continue to contemplate how to incorporate the others.
And after a ridiculous amount of work TA DA my bitmoji

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